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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Jets Make the playoffs
The Joctor
Ramble of Touch
check it
The Joctor
Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Whats left of this season
I do believe that it has become more retail based then anything else, no one cares what Christmas is about any more, they only care about the gifts they get, and the best deals, hence the day after Thanksgiving. Hell if you think about it the true meaning of Christmas is right in the name, but people don't know this, nor do they care! Well I care, people are terrible to each other this time of year, giving dirty scowls, obscene gestures over parking spaces, or the last Elmo, then they try and make themselves feel better by stuffing .86 cents into the red bucket of the salvation army. Well I think giving the last nickle and dime you have left over from your 100 dollar bill you just blew on something some brat or asshole is going to use or only play with once doesn't excuse any ones behavior, or the way Jeezy Creezy's B day has become an excuse to go into near debt.
Change the name of this holiday to Gobrokemas, Intheredmas, Shoppingmallragemas or evan Fuckyouallmas.
Its not about Jeezy and hasnt been for years, I still enjoy what its supposed to be, and that's how I will be spending my CHRISTmas this year!
The Loc out!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Three more day till Christmas
Well its Three more days until Christmas and I am sitting here at work and I decided to post a little blog. First I wanted to let Loctor know his cookies looked better than they tasted... Wait a minute strike that reverse it. Today I was assigned to Fire Truck five and I will be enclosing a picture of if so you all nose fucks know what one of my trucks look like. Yes I am talking to you Loctor and Boctor. hahahahah. Enjoy hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Including you Loctor since you are not reallying into the holiday spirit. I hope you haven't forgotten the real meaning of Christmas.
PS. Boctor, Do you want to goto midnight Mass with me Christmas night to celebrate the birth of your lord Jesus.
The Joctor
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ok ok ok....I know that there are some people out there who would love this, and some who will try to duplicate it, but falter slightly.
My only advice is to measure with a scale, if not, good luck and God bless.
You will start with what I call the Creaming Mixing Method...
You start with 1 lbs of Softened butter, room temp is fine
next...........8 oz of lt brown sugar, regular brown sugar will be fine also
then...........9 oz of Granulated sugar
Take these 3 ingredients and mix them until creamy, just when you think, that's creamy enough, mix it about 5 minutes longer, then its creamy enough.
Next add 4 WHOLE EGGS to the mix along with 1.5 tsp of VANILLA EXTRACT.
while you are mixing the sugars and butter you can start weighing out your other ingredients.
You will need 1 lbs 7 oz of bread flour or AP flour (all purpose)
next.....2 tsp baking soda
then.....2 tsp salt
Add this into the mixing bowl...and Mix
You will add 1 quart of Chocolate Chips at the end, and just mix enough to distribute, you don't want to break the chips..
Also, you only need to weigh the sugars and flour.
You will bake at 350 until cookies turn golden brown around the edges.....roughly 10 minutes
Sorry no pictures, but I ate the m before I could take a pic...sorry!
Joining the Team...
Nocturnal Emissions
Answer Me This, I was wondering is it ok to still have constant wet dreams or shall I say nocturnal emission at the age of 33? What is the cut off age for wet dreams? If you constantly having wet dreams say, 3-6 per week would that be considered weird, excessive or just a water sport. Do wet dreams classify as a water sport? I mean it involves getting wet, getting your heart rate up, blood flowing, loss of fluids and if you’re doing it 3-6 times a week you must be fairly good at it. Maybe they should make it an Olympic Sport. There are lots of water sports in the Olympics such as water polo, diving and swimming. Can you drown yourself in a wet dream? Say one night you are in a very deep sleep and you have a wet dream that is wetter than normal I mean a shit load of fluid, but this doesn’t wake you. Through the deep coma like sleep you toss and turn and somehow the semen gets into your mouth and down your wind pipe and you drown. It could happen. The answer is yes, you can die in a wet dream. Its like falling in your dream, they say if you ever hit the bottom you will die. So inclosing, I believe Wet dreams or Nocturnal Emissions if your Politically correct should be considered a water sports because, it involves excessive fluid loss, a state of euphoria, elevated heart rate and you do chance of death.
The Joctor
Letter to the Editor
I am writing this letter to you (Jedidob) editor and chief of Heroes and Jedi’s blog page. I am very offended and completely embarrassed that I have been invited by you (Jedidob) to be apart of the heroes and Jedi’s page and I have yet been given a user name or password to the site so I can contribute and post thought and help you (Jedidob) with the day to day operation of the site. I was assured that I was the Hero character of the Heroes and Jedi’s site. I am thoroughly discussed beyond utterly fucking belief that I was left in the dark on this deal. I feel sick to my stomach and I feel betrayed by someone I have deep feelings for and love. Now, I feel I would be an extremely important asset to you, the site, the city of
The Joctor (AKA The Hero)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Jets Games
Looks like the New York Jets are going to win today by kicking the Minnesota Vikings asses today. Yes Joctor is a Jets Fan, proud to be one since the young age of birth. I would have to say its better than being a Raider. Looks like the jets will be making the playoff and winning the superbowl this year. NY Jets Superbowl champs sound so good. Just saying that causes me to tear up.
The Joctor.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Well guess what kids? Our little brother Boctordob finally found out about his Myspace website. It was completely amazing and astonishing, gut wrenching and utterly funny when we, and when I say we, I am referring to myself Joctorderry and my brother Loctordu informed him and showed him the site. Our little baby brother Boctor was in complete disbelief and shock when he found out about his “The Cluck” Myspace page. I also believe that he (Our little baby boy Boctor) was a little upset about the whole ordeal of the site and he will probably retaliate on Joctor and Loctor, but what he will do has yet to be seen. I will be leaving a link on here for all to see and be amused to his site. I really hopes he forgives us for our sins and remember Dob. We Love ya! http://www.myspace.com/cluckrwb
Just a little Ramble
How can you ramble about rambling or just talk to be talking. Are you even listening to what people are saying or can you only hear what you are listening to. If you see what other people are seeing and touching what you believe you shouldn’t be touching will that make you believe only what someone else believes or will it make you understand what you are seeing so you can comprehend what is actually going to maybe happen. Tell you what if you wonder to believe and believe what you are thinking about wondering shouldn’t you try to acknowledge what should happen to you if you can possible fathom what you have already done.
The Joctor