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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tall Cold Drink of Water

Today wasn't a bad day. Since it snowed I decided to venture out to the back yard to mess about in that bright chilly substance. Next thing you know I starting rolling a snow ball and it got bigger and bigger, so big I couldn't roll it so and little cydney girl had to helped me.

The roll continued The Boctor showed up to help roll the next ball. it started the size of a golf ball and ended some-what huge, and it got nasty. Boctor did help a little but spent most of his time throwing snowballs at a post in the back yard. He must of threw 200 snow balls and only hit it once. I threw two and it it on my second shot. Fuck I got a good arm.

Now the Cold Drink of Ice Milk is about 8 feet tall, almost as tall as Loctor.

The Joctor

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