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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Whats left of this season

First of all, I do know the true meaning of the season, I know I have said it in the past and recently, There for I will refrain from repeating it.
I do believe that it has become more retail based then anything else, no one cares what Christmas is about any more, they only care about the gifts they get, and the best deals, hence the day after Thanksgiving. Hell if you think about it the true meaning of Christmas is right in the name, but people don't know this, nor do they care! Well I care, people are terrible to each other this time of year, giving dirty scowls, obscene gestures over parking spaces, or the last Elmo, then they try and make themselves feel better by stuffing .86 cents into the red bucket of the salvation army. Well I think giving the last nickle and dime you have left over from your 100 dollar bill you just blew on something some brat or asshole is going to use or only play with once doesn't excuse any ones behavior, or the way Jeezy Creezy's B day has become an excuse to go into near debt.
Change the name of this holiday to Gobrokemas, Intheredmas, Shoppingmallragemas or evan Fuckyouallmas.

Its not about Jeezy and hasnt been for years, I still enjoy what its supposed to be, and that's how I will be spending my CHRISTmas this year!

The Loc out!

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